Monday, 28 November 2016

Did you switch carriers on Black Friday?


Black Friday means deals across the board, and not just from the big box retailers, either. Network carriers like Verizon and T-Mobile are more than willing to throw deals at potential customers, ones that might be a bit better than the deals they might offer throughout the year, on that one particular day. This year wasn't any different, with the carriers offering steep discounts, or outright free devices, for anyone that wanted to jump ship and join their ranks.

Verizon had a nice deal on the latest major release for the Big Red carrier, discounting the Google Pixel, in at least one variant, for anyone that wanted to join up with the network. And T-Mobile offered big discounts, or free phones, across a variety of different flagships, including the iPhone 7 lineup.

In these cases, the main draw for the carrier was convincing people to leave their current carrier and start waving their banner instead.

The deals on Black Friday, especially when it comes to T-Mobile which is more than willing to offer random deals throughout the year, weren't groundbreaking or anything. Trade in a high-end smartphone and you'll either get a brand new high-end smartphone for free, or with a significant price reduction. You also need to sign up for a monthly installment plan in most cases, which, while is obviously the go-to option at this point, not everyone might be so willing to adopt just yet.

Still, the deals are certainly worth taking a look at, but maybe if you're only already mulling over the idea of switching carriers. I could be wrong here --and that's why I'm asking you-- but I don't think any of these deals are good enough to outright convince someone who might tolerate their current wireless carrier to leave them for something else.

Now that Black Friday is over, and Cyber Monday is right around the corner, I am curious to know if any of you out there switched your carrier and took advantage of one of the many Black Friday deals that cropped up. Did you trade in your old phone to get something new and shiny at a discount, or free?

If you did switch carriers on Black Friday, which carrier did you switch from, and why? Which device did you trade in, and which smartphone did you leave the store with?

I'm also curious to know if anyone out there traded in a current-generation flagship smartphone, like the iPhone 7 or Galaxy S7, to pick up the same phone on their new carrier. Did you want to hold onto your phone but change carriers? Let me know!

Did you switch carriers on Black Friday? originally posted at

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