Telegram, the WhatsApp rival that gained 3 million followers when Facebook had a day-long outage this month, has come out with a significant privacy-focused update. As of the latest version of Telegram — available on iOS, Android, and via a web client — you can now delete messages for all participants in your chats, irrespective of who sent them or when they were sent. Previously, Telegram allowed users a 48-hour window in which they could delete their own sent messages, both on their device and for others. Now, the time limit has been dropped, and you can wipe an entire chat history clean on your device and on anyone else’s who was part of the chat.
While this may seem like a drastic measure, Telegram founder Pavel Durov justifies it as...
Telegram adds the option to delete chats on other people’s devices appeared first on http://www.theverge.com
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