After releasing Super Mario and Animal Crossing games on mobile devices, Nintendo has revealed which of its properties it'll be bringing to smartphones next.
Nintendo will launch Mario Kart Tour on mobile. Little is known about the game, but Nintendo says that it'll launch "in the fiscal year ending March 2019."
No platforms were named, but both Super Mario Run and Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp were released on Android and iOS, so it seems likely that Mario Kart Tour will hit both platforms as well.
Mario Kart is another major series for Nintendo, with eight main entries in total. What will be interesting is seeing how Nintendo adapts Mario Kart for the smartphone and how well the game will work with touchscreens.
The checkered flag has been raised and the finish line is near. A new mobile application is now in development: Mario Kart Tour! #MarioKartTour Releasing in the fiscal year ending in March 2019. pic.twitter.com/8GIyR7ZM4z
— Nintendo of America (@NintendoAmerica) February 1, 2018
Mario Kart Tour is the next mobile game from Nintendo originally posted at http://phonedog.com
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